Your Insight Coaching,Mentoring & Mediation
We believe that the best way to make leadership and therefore work better is to help people to do things right, rather than the more traditional way of coaching which is often focused on correcting things that are wrong. By focusing on doing things right we can truly influence and change behaviours, actions and decisions.
Coaching and mentoring that way is one of the most effective interventions available to leaders when developing a team and themselves. Enrolling the expertise of a coach/mentor who has first-hand experience in the roles of you and your team adds further support and supervision that leaders very often simply do not have the capacity to give, to themselves and their team.
Whilst few seek conflict, we see and experience it regularly and sometimes at great cost. That's why we have added mediation to our coaching and mentoring practice, to support people, teams and organisations in dealing with conflict productively and timely, allowing all involved to move on.
Your Insight provide that support. Our aim is to ‘Make Work Better’

How we work
Every individual, every team, every organisation is capable of doing (even) better than they are right now. Your Insight works with people, teams and organisations who want to do and lead better - themselves and others irrespective of hierarchy - and who want to improve, progress and remove blockers and achieve what they are capable of.
We approach this in three ways...

You need to know where you, your team or your organisation are right now in order to determine what you need to do to grow, to develop and to progress. Awareness is a pre-requisite of change. We believe that those closest to the action and who feel the responsibility for the impact of their actions know how well things are going.

About Us
Hello, thank you for getting this far.
I am Erik Jan (Scholten) and run Your Insight. I am passionate about leadership and the impact it can have on people and the work they do and things they achieve. Rather than talk about myself, here is what some of those I have worked with say about the experience...
A selection of writing about listening, learning, leading and living in response to what’s happening around us.
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